Monday, July 17, 2006

Beethoven In Trance - Episode 5

Caulk, recaulk and everything else.

Noon. Sitting in my new cube at the new department. Everybody else is in a baby-shower celebration. Boss dropped by like 2 minutes before the event and told me and I had my lunch already. Walked in the room where all the food and people sitting there. Hum... wonder how many people will actually enjoy that moment of being staring at. After the 'suprise', I congratulated the 'mother-to-be' and left the room with a bottle of water. Wait, was it a great opportunity to network with the group? Good point, too late though. But, did I show everyone that I had the drive to spend extra hour to get things done? Well, did I say 'I had lunch already' as the excuse for leaving? err, stop talking to myself!

Don't know what was I thinking... anyway. The floor guy came in today to sand the floor. Can't wait to see what will it look like after the sanding. Need to pick the color of stain later tonight and let them know tomorrow. At least we are getting things moving forward, that's good.
A friend just sent an email in response to my home repair emergencies. Many good pionts, I have to talk to him tonight. Wish he is still in town so that I can ask his help more, but I guess I just have to learn quickly how to deal with house issues myself.

Didn't get the change to sleep last night, my brain was widely awake, and don't know why. Not a good thing for someone who is starting a new job the next day. The coffee this morning helped, we will see how the rest of the afternoon goes.

Scheduled a meeting with new boss this afternoon and had very little preparation of the subject. Thought I stuff something in my brain this morning, but another guy called for some help with my previous duties (he didn't know I was transferred. But why he knew my new phone no.?) Anyway, helped him out but didn't help myself out much.

Sleep is important, I conclude, I make bad choices when not enough sleep...


Caulked and recaulked, still doesn't look too well (the backsplash). Well, it's our first project and we didn't do it right. Lesson learned, hopefully it won't fall down anytime soon.

New team seems nice, people here are young, most of them are younger than me I believe. I bet they are wondering why this old chinese guy doing here...

Got my laptop for work today, brand new, Cool stuff. Fast and furious.

All right, better clear my mind before I walk in the meeting with boss in 15 minutes.


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