Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Beethoven In Trance - Episode 2

Grout, sanded.

I can't believe the grout is cracking already. We just put it in yesterday, and it's cracking today... what the heck? Not enough grout I guess, gotta redo it, only if I know how...

Got a bucket of grout from Homedepot and it says 'Sanded' on the bucket, but it turned out to be 'Unsanded' (we went back for a second one and after open it we immediately found out the difference...). The HD guy said it's manufacturer's fault, called the manufacture with the 1-800 number on the back of the bucket, and if can't get an answer, then call him and he will call them for me... blah, blah, blah... yeah, very helpful.

The roofing guy came the other day to look at the leaking garage roof in the pulling rain (best time ever to look at leaking). Not good. Whole roof needs to be replaced, and possible rebuild the garage. $2500 minimum. Do I look like rich people?

Another contractor called and gave me a list of price, patio door $3370, move a window $930, install a spigot and joint $220, roof mounted exhaution fan in bathroom $685, replace one section of the wall over bathtub with cement board and tile it $425, repeat the job for three walls $1150, replace front door $835, side door $585. You think I grow money at my backyard?

Flooring, refinishing the living room, and two bedroom, plus carpet the stairs, $2700.

and let me see what else... like make some money?

oh sure, a guy just called and ask me if I am interested in some franchizing business, and there is a presentation tomorrow in Holiday Inn, good ideal, I am gonna go grab some money... yeah right.


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